Showing posts with the label Legs Health

Flat Shoes may be damaging your Feet

If you are facing foot pain, heel pain or back pain from past few months or years, then it might be due to your footwear. Usually people ignore the …

Plantar Fasciitis : The pain in the Heel

Plantar Fasciitis is often diagnosed by pain in heel, especially when you wake up in the morning or when when you get up after having some rest. How…

Your Feet and overall Health are heavily interconnected !

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Usually people take care of their whole body ranging from hairs on their head to nails of their toe, but most of us never look under the feet, espec…

Crossing your legs can cause Health Problems ?

Sitting with crossed legs is not a good habit. There are various reasons to say so. Once your read the details below, you will never sit will your…

Blood Circulation Problem in Legs Symptoms and Treatment

Our legs carry our weight for whole life, so lets give some precious time of yours for your legs. This article about Blood Circulation Problem in L…